The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure studies and tracks challenges in both public policy and across industries. Here are some of the issues we care about at Aii. We have grouped many topics together, but we look at innovation and infrastructure from every angle possible. Click on the issue you would like to learn more about! Visit an individual issues backgrounder page or look through our publications to learn more.


Climate and Conservation

Protecting and conserving our natural resources is a challenge of national importance. Being good stewards of our given resources means protecting the environment while also supporting responsible development of our nation’s resources. Innovation and new technologies have paved the way for a cleaner future, even while other parts of the world produce ever greater shares of emissions. The challenge of climate change is a global one, American leadership and innovation will be essential.

Caterpillar Excavator

Damage Prevention

Striking a utility line –whether during back yard projects or large excavation work– can have disastrous results if proper procedures are not followed before digging. Well over 20 million miles of pipelines and other utilities run underneath homes and businesses, providing essential services to run all aspects of life from electricity, cable TV, gas, water, and more. Fortunately, there are innovative technological and communications systems to promote facility safety and reduce damage to underground utilities.


Eminent Domain

Eminent domain is the lawful process of taking or using private land for public projects. It has evolved over the years and works differently in every state, making large-scale infrastructure projects particularly difficult to plan and execute. While private property rights are critical, so too are certain public good projects that will serve millions of people. The right balance is something developers, advocacy organizations, attorneys, and landowners have been working on for decades.

eu energy event

Energy Infrastructure

Infrastructure in the United States is critically important to the 328 million Americans who depend on abundant, reliable energy in their daily lives. Whether it is the 2.8 million miles of pipeline, 56,800 wind turbines, 200,000 miles of high voltage power lines, 5.5 million miles of local distribution lines, or host of other renewable and traditional sources, energy resources course through the veins of the American economy.

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Innovation and Technology

The United States is rocketing into the future at a shockingly rapid pace. Autonomous vehicles, drones, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are only the beginning of the story, and Aii is dedicated to researching the shortfalls, promoting creative solutions, and encouraging the prudent use of technology across industry. Crypto and cybersecurity will also become increasingly critical to the economy and national security in the next few years.


Transportation Infrastructure

Over 140,000 miles of rail and four million miles of road, as well as other ground, water, and air infrastructure carries people, goods, and raw materials all across the country. Making sure this transportation infrastructure is efficient, well maintained, and safe is one of Aii’s main focuses. Implementing best practices, innovating, and finding sound funding must take center stage.