Invest in Aii and America's Infrastructure

Aii is making an impact to revitalize American infrastructure, promote growth, and ensure a more resilient and vibrant future for our nation. Learn more about ways you can support our mission by contributing to our upcoming research initiatives. Below are open funding requests you can help our team accomplish. Financial support is the most direct way to make an impact, but if you have insight, expertise, and information related to one of our upcoming projects, we also invite you to reach out. 

Aii researches many infrastructure challenge and innovative solutions. Our team of hardworking, dedicated research and educational professionals creates original reports and hundreds of policy materials on an annual basis. Added to these written works, our virtual classroom includes interactive lessons, informational graphics, video libraries, and lesson plans for students, teachers, and public officials. These projects and programs only scratch the surface of our plans for the future. 

Open Funding Opportunities

Marine Damage Prevention Research Brief

Eminent Domain Solutions Center (Phase I)

Eminent Domain Solutions Center (Phase II)

Annual Aii Support

Help Provide General, Ongoing Organizational Funding

Support Our Original Annual Campaigns

We provide multiple safe and secure Ways to Give allowing you to select your preferred way to support Aii. You can give with confidence to support our nonpartisan research and educational nonprofit!

Contact us for information prior to 2020