
The U.S. energy sector is in the midst of transformational change. Emerging technologies and societal demand promise to reshape not only the energy we use, but also how we use it.

Our regulatory environment and approval process must incorporate a “common sense” approach, helping streamline project approvals while encouraging innovative approaches to upgrade our energy and utility infrastructure.

We must integrate renewable energy, energy storage, and other emerging technologies into a cohesive energy portfolio in order to meet tomorrow’s energy demands, today.

The Challenge

There are a number of issues facing our nation’s energy infrastructure. From the source of energy – fossil fuels or renewables – to storage and distribution of power; threats, shortfalls, and challenges appear on all fronts.

As climate increasingly takes center stage, we are witnessing a shift from traditional fossil fuel and carbon-intensive power generation to greener alternatives and renewables. These face issues like diluteness and intermittency, which requires some type of power storage infrastructure. The market for solar, wind, hydroelectric, and other renewables is not as competitive as traditional resources and often have subsidies and government disruptions to market equilibria.

Our electrical grids lack the intelligence that other systems in our infrastructure are integrating. Features allowing power to be measured, routed, and diverted from numerous sources and with dynamic responsiveness to realtime demand are the future. Additionally, the security of our grid is in jeopardy. National intelligence officials believe hostile foreign powers could remotely disrupt power plants or that an electromagnetic attack could take them all offline.

These and more represent both technical and regulatory hurdles we must overcome to improve efficiency, safety, and resilience in our energy infrastructure.

The Solution

Research and development are critical to any technical challenge. But without the regulatory pieces falling into place as well, we can get nowhere. We must have a regulatory climate that encourages innovation and investment, that also balances costs and benefits.

Before our energy sector and infrastructure can transition to all green processes, significant advances in power storage are essential. Whether that is new batteries, more efficient allocation networks, or something unimagined thus far, we cannot realistically rely on the free resources of sun and wind without that next innovation.

A smarter grid is also needed. And this comes from both the technical side and regulatory side of the equation.

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Policy Blog

Policy Briefs and White Papers

Maximizing The Potential of 45Q: Untapped opportunities in existing carbon capture incentives
Maximizing The Potential of 45Q: Untapped opportunities in existing carbon capture incentivesFebruary, 2025, , , policy-briefsdecarbonization energy innovation-and-technology climate-and-conservation
The Hydrogen Highway: How distributed hydrogen production can maximize existing infrastructure, avoid costs and complications, and jumpstart national hydrogen demand
The Hydrogen Highway: How distributed hydrogen production can maximize existing infrastructure, avoid costs and complications, and jumpstart national hydrogen demandNovember, 2024, , , white-paperstransportation decarbonization energy hydrogen
America's Backbone: The Importance of Steel and its Evolving Demand
America’s Backbone: The Importance of Steel and its Evolving DemandSeptember, 2024, , white-papersenergy economics steel
Geothermal Energy Brief
Geothermal Energy BriefAugust, 2024policy-briefsenergy
2024 Energy Spotlights: The U.S. Electricity Mix
2024 Energy Spotlights: The U.S. Electricity MixJuly, 2024, , policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation grid
Building New Critical Infrastructure: No Time to Waste. Evaluating Cost Transparency Between a Federal Right of First Refusal and Competitive Bidding in Electrical Transmission Infrastructure Expansion
Building New Critical Infrastructure: No Time to Waste. Evaluating Cost Transparency Between a Federal Right of First Refusal and Competitive Bidding in Electrical Transmission Infrastructure ExpansionJuly, 2024, , , white-papersenergy economics transmission grid
A Unique Win-Win: Bolstering Texas’ Energy Security by Leveraging Existing Infrastructure to Effectively Decarbonize
A Unique Win-Win: Bolstering Texas’ Energy Security by Leveraging Existing Infrastructure to Effectively DecarbonizeJune, 2024, , , white-papersdecarbonization energy innovation-and-technology climate-and-conservation
Improving Upon Our Dig Laws: Framing Out a Plan For Achieving a 50 Percent Reduction in Excavation Damage
Improving Upon Our Dig Laws: Framing Out a Plan For Achieving a 50 Percent Reduction in Excavation DamageDecember, 2023, , white-papersdamage-prevention energy public-safety
Unseen Threats to Texas Critical Infrastructure: The Risk to Buried Utilities and Targeted Policy Solutions to Protect Them
Unseen Threats to Texas Critical Infrastructure: The Risk to Buried Utilities and Targeted Policy Solutions to Protect ThemOctober, 2023, , white-papersdamage-prevention energy public-safety
Pathways to Decarbonizing Heat: Building a Holistic Framework for Evaluating and Ranking Decarbonization Strategies for Industrial Heat in Light of Economic Efficiency, Public Policy, Timing Readiness, and Infrastructure Realities
Pathways to Decarbonizing Heat: Building a Holistic Framework for Evaluating and Ranking Decarbonization Strategies for Industrial Heat in Light of Economic Efficiency, Public Policy, Timing Readiness, and Infrastructure RealitiesSeptember, 2023, , , white-papersdecarbonization energy innovation-and-technology climate-and-conservation
The U.S. Electricity Mix: 2023 Energy Spotlight
The U.S. Electricity Mix: 2023 Energy SpotlightAugust, 2023, , policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation grid
Dividing Decarbonization by Sector: How Strategies for Decarbonizing Heat, Electricity, and Transportation Differ
Dividing Decarbonization by Sector: How Strategies for Decarbonizing Heat, Electricity, and Transportation DifferJune, 2023, , policy-briefsdecarbonization energy innovation-and-technology
Unseen Threats to U.S. Infrastructure Reliability
Unseen Threats to U.S. Infrastructure ReliabilityApril, 2023, , , policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy innovation-and-technology grid
Unseen Threats to the U.S. Economy
Unseen Threats to the U.S. EconomyApril, 2023, , policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy economics
Unseen Threats to the Environment
Unseen Threats to the EnvironmentApril, 2023, , policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Wind
Energy Spotlight: WindOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Solar
Energy Spotlight: SolarOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Petroleum
Energy Spotlight: PetroleumOctober, 2022, , policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation petroleum
Energy Spotlight: Nuclear
Energy Spotlight: NuclearOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Natural Gas
Energy Spotlight: Natural GasOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Hydro
Energy Spotlight: HydroOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Energy Spotlight: Coal
Energy Spotlight: CoalOctober, 2022, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Federal Damage Prevention Overview
Federal Damage Prevention OverviewApril, 2022, , policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy public-safety
Excavation Damage to Underground Infrastructure: A Look at the Federal Damage Prevention Approach
Excavation Damage to Underground Infrastructure: A Look at the Federal Damage Prevention ApproachApril, 2022, , white-papersdamage-prevention energy public-safety
A Sustainable Energy Model
A Sustainable Energy ModelJanuary, 2022, white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology
FEATURE: Ensuring Resilient Infrastructure and Climate Balance
FEATURE: Ensuring Resilient Infrastructure and Climate BalanceJanuary, 2022, white-papersenergy public-safety
ESG in the Oilfield
ESG in the OilfieldDecember, 2021, , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology public-safety
Improving Upon Our Dig Laws: Evaluating an Anomalous Year, Incorporating Technology, and Applying Lessons from the Past Decade
Improving Upon Our Dig Laws: Evaluating an Anomalous Year, Incorporating Technology, and Applying Lessons from the Past DecadeDecember, 2021, , , white-papersdamage-prevention energy innovation-and-technology public-safety
Petroleum Brief
Petroleum BriefAugust, 2021, , policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation petroleum
Solar Energy Brief
Solar Energy BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Hydropower Brief
Hydropower BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Wind Energy Brief
Wind Energy BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Coal Brief
Coal BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Nuclear Energy Brief
Nuclear Energy BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Natural Gas Brief
Natural Gas BriefAugust, 2021, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Building Back Better and Protecting What We've Built
Building Back Better and Protecting What We’ve BuiltMay, 2021, , , policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy innovation-and-technology public-safety
IMO 2020 Rule Primer: Background and Potential Impacts
IMO 2020 Rule Primer: Background and Potential ImpactsMay, 2019, policy-briefsenergy climate-and-conservation
Best Practices to Achieve Excavation Safety
Best Practices to Achieve Excavation SafetySeptember, 2018, policy-briefsdamage-prevention energy
Challenges to Increasing Non-Federal Investment in Private Infrastructure: How Can the U.S. Turn $200B into $1.5T?
Challenges to Increasing Non-Federal Investment in Private Infrastructure: How Can the U.S. Turn $200B into $1.5T?March, 2018, , policy-briefstransportation energy innovation-and-technology
Building a Smarter Electric Grid: How Investing In Smarter Electricity Will Energize America
Building a Smarter Electric Grid: How Investing In Smarter Electricity Will Energize AmericaJuly, 2017, , , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology transmission grid
ARCTIC PROMISE: Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing the Next Generation of U.S. Arctic Infrastructure
ARCTIC PROMISE: Challenges and Opportunities in Realizing the Next Generation of U.S. Arctic InfrastructureFebruary, 2017, , , white-paperstransportation energy climate-and-conservation petroleum
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging Market (ITALIAN)
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging Market (ITALIAN)October, 2016, , , , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology economics transmission grid
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging Market (POLISH)
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging Market (POLISH)October, 2016, , , , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology economics transmission grid
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging Market
The Energy (Dis)Union: Challenges and Opportunities in the Emerging MarketOctober, 2016, , , , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology economics transmission grid
Infrastructure Resiliency: Preventing Damage Through Critical Investments
Infrastructure Resiliency: Preventing Damage Through Critical InvestmentsJuly, 2016, , policy-briefstransportation energy innovation-and-technology
Balancing Environmental Protection and National Infrastructure Development
Balancing Environmental Protection and National Infrastructure DevelopmentApril, 2016, , policy-briefstransportation energy climate-and-conservation
Aii Chairman Publishes Report in European Energy Journal
Aii Chairman Publishes Report in European Energy JournalMarch, 2016, , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology economics
Are P3's a Practical Tool to Tackle the Growing Infrastructure Debt?
Are P3’s a Practical Tool to Tackle the Growing Infrastructure Debt?February, 2016, , , policy-briefstransportation energy innovation-and-technology economics
Energy Storage
Energy StorageDecember, 2015, policy-briefsenergy grid
Can America Afford to Defund Rural Infrastructure?
Can America Afford to Defund Rural Infrastructure?December, 2015, , policy-briefstransportation energy economics
Energy as an Instrument of Foreign Policy
Energy as an Instrument of Foreign PolicyJune, 2015, , , white-papersenergy innovation-and-technology petroleum grid