Andrew Jefferis

Media Coordinator

Andrew Jefferis serves as the Media Coordinator for Aii, overseeing all aspects of Aii’s communications, educational content, graphic design, front-end web development, and public outreach. In this role, Andrew fashions various media campaigns and devises innovative ways to connect with the public, elected officials, and industry leaders on topics ranging from infrastructure and technology to public policy issues. He also contributes to Aii’s policy blog and conducts video interviews with industry leaders for our audience.

Prior to joining Aii, Andrew shot as a freelance photographer for 10 years in both New York, NY and Los Angeles, CA, traveling overseas working in both the beauty sector and missions field. Through these experiences, he honed his skills as a storyteller, branding specialist, and multidisciplinary media coordinator. He has worked with diverse casts of professionals across an array of industries, cultures, and locations. This background and skillset makes Andrew an asset to any organization.

Andrew earned his bachelor of arts degree in English Writing from Montana State University. He went on to serve in the United States Navy and now applies his knowledge, skill sets, and life experience to helping Aii reach more people, elevate critical issues for the nation, and improve our ability to educate on the issues that matter. In May 2024, Andrew graduated with a Master of Education in Teaching from Boston College.

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