Aii in Action

Who We Are

The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii) is a virtual nonprofit, bringing the brightest minds and best analysis to the public. Aii leverages its global network and the power of Internet to do quality research and collaboration in the most efficient way. We are thinking about, researching, and talking about the biggest challenges and most innovative solutions to American infrastructure and public policy.

What's Current

Aii maintains an active schedule hosting and attending lectures, panel discussions, conference, and more. From Washington D.C. to Warsaw, Poland, and beyond, our experts engage with students, the public, policy experts, and public officials. Check out a few of our highlighted activities below, then see how Aii is the media’s trusted source for in-depth, nonpartisan expert analysis. Follow Aii in Action:


Executive Director Benjamin Dierker joins policy makers and industry leaders gathered in Columbia, South Carolina to discuss the state’s energy future.

Executive Director Benjamin Dierker discusses excavation damage to buried utilities with the Institute for Homeland Security.

Aii Executive Director traveled to Israel to engage with innovative start up companies.

Aii participated in a thought leadership summit around critical infrastructure security.

Benjamin Dierker joins Indiana Law Review Symposium discussing Transportation Infrastructure Law and Policy: The Road Forward.

Benjamin Dierker joins a panel for Texas A&M Graduate Careers Series entitled “Research Careers Outside of Academia”

Brigham McCown shares stage with DOT Sec. Elaine Chao at Heritage Foundation.

Brigham McCown attends a meeting with the Federal Aviation Administration

Brigham McCown joins the Task Force on Innovation at the NARUC Summer Policy Summit.

Brigham McCown delivers keynote speech at BIASC Industry Building Show.

Brigham McCown speaks to graduate students at George Mason on Grid security.

Brigham McCown speaks to graduate students at the Clinton School of Public Service.

Brigham McCown gives lecture to graduate students at the Bush School.

Aii hosts Washington, D.C. expert panel on energy security in Europe.

Aii hosts Washington, D.C. expert panel on Rail Safety.

Brigham McCown speaks at the Warsaw Security Forum on investing in energy infrastructure.


Benjamin Dierker discusses rail and the National Defense Authorization Act.

Brigham McCown speaks on Fox News about Trump Administration infrastructure package.

Brigham McCown comments on a $700 million power plant under construction in Jackson Township.

Brigham McCown comments on infrastructure revitalization.

Brigham McCown talks about how private companies may benefit from infrastructure investments on FOX Business.

Brigham McCown talks pipeline safety and energy infrastructure with the Washington Journal on C-SPAN.

Expert analysis of recent Hoboken Train Crash investigation.

Brigham McCown talks oil transportation safety with the Washington Journal on C-SPAN.

Brigham McCown speaks to Fox News about rail infrastructure security.

Expert analysis of rail collision in NYC on ABC News.

Brigham McCown discusses Keystone Pipeline with MidPoint.

Brigham McCown discusses the House passing the Keystone XL Pipeline


Executive Director Benjamin Dierker joins latest episode of Groundswell Capital’s podcast to discuss everything infrastructure.

Roy Mathews discusses a recent LNG plant explosion and energy policy

Roy Mathews talks through what has led to record-high gas prices.

Roy Mathews discusses public policy in the energy and environment sectors.

Aii board member Mandy Gunasekara discusses her time at the EPA and current energy events.

Roy Mathews discusses innovation in nuclear energy, renewable energy, energy storage and more.

Roy Mathews Discusses Policy for Eastern Europe

Brigham McCown discusses the difference pipelines can make in the world’s energy crisis.

Brigham McCown explains pipeline importance to Redeemer Broadcasting.

Reaction to Merrimack Valley gas explosions on Boston’s NPR news station.

Brigham McCown discusses midstream infrastructure on Flash Point with Ryan Mills of AFPM.

Advisory Council member, Warren Hoemann talks highways with the Eyes on the Road podcast.

Aii founder, Brigham McCown, discusses infrastructure challenges around the country and how Aii makes an impact

How do drones and rail go together?

What is the Trump Administration’s energy strategy?


Benjamin Dierker joined the Morality of Markets Working Group

Benjamin Dierker completed transportation-focused leadership academy.

Member of the American Flood Coalition.

Charity sponsor for the 2019 Air Force One Golf Invitational.

Partner with the Beyond the Runway Coalition.

Infrastructure Week Affiliate since 2015

Advisor to 2016 Bush School/Law School Graduate Capstone on State & Local Trade Barriers.


Learn about the energy resources powering modern life with Aii Energy Month

Learn about underground infrastructure with #ModernRootsMarch

How does your state fare on damage prevention? See our report card!



Want to see Aii in Action at your event? Aii has experts ready to share their experience and insight with students, professors, industry leaders, public officials, and more. Whether it is sharing our expertise in a lecture or participating in a panel discussion with similar or contrasting viewpoints, we are there. To invite Aii to your event, conference, hearing, or other event, reach out to us at  


Aii is a trusted source for nonpartisan, balanced analysis and insight on the challenges and solutions facing American infrastructure. We regularly appear in the pages of news outlets, on cable news, podcasts, and radio, and through opinion articles. If you need an expert to weigh in on the issues of the day, contact us at Visit our Media Center to see Aii in Action and for more resources and information on the 75+ outlets relying on Aii for the full story. 


The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure strives to make a difference through research and education. Not only do we advance innovative solutions to critical challenges facing our nation and its infrastructure, but we partner with and support others making an impact. We proudly align our efforts with others making strong, data-driven, and nonpartisan proposals to help build a better future. Let us join your cause, to get Aii in Action as a partner or to learn about opportunities for sponsorships, contact us at