Careers at Aii

The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure is a virtual nonprofit think tank. We are always looking for driven, qualified people to join our team. Being virtual means we can leverage remote work and expand our team across the country, and even the world! Want to join the team? Do you have experience with public policy, government, or industry? Are you a skilled communicator, fundraiser, graphic designer, or writer? Take a look at our openings and tell us how you can make a difference advancing our mission.


Need college credit or a supervised internship? Interested in building a portfolio of published work? Look no further! Aii is offering three positions, unpaid, for students looking for valuable experience. Internships are always open, year-round and remote internships are available. See some of what interns help create.

Public Policy Intern

Remote • Unpaid

Communications Intern

Remote • Unpaid

Education Intern

Remote • Unpaid

Full-Time Positions

Aii is looking for potential candidates to fill permanent roles. For position requirements, salaries, and a full job description, click the button below the position you’re interested in to learn more. If the position is not currently available, you can still pitch yourself to our team by emailing your resume and cover letter to

Law Clerk

Remote • Hourly

Public Policy Associate

Washington, D.C. • Salary

Communications Director

Washington, D.C. • Salary

Full-Time Remote Positions

Aii is looking for potential candidates to fill permanent, fully remote roles. For position requirements, salaries, and a full job description, click the button below the position you’re interested in to learn more. If the position is not currently available, you can still pitch yourself to our team by emailing your resume and cover letter to

Development Director

U.S.-based • Contract

Policy Analyst

U.S.-based • Salary

Communications Associate

U.S.-based • Salary

Hear From the Team Past and Present

“Aii has strong leadership and a fantastic policy team. The organization prioritizes doing the extra work to understand the nuance surrounding complex infrastructure policy issues to educate their audience regardless of the reader’s depth of knowledge or experience in the subject matter.”


– Shane Skelton, former Executive Director and Policy Advisor

“Aii was a unique organization that provided very diverse experiences. It gave me a solid footing to build a career in public policy.”


– Chanil De Silva, former Senior Policy Analyst

“Aii is an indispensable resource for infrastructure education and how it impacts our daily lives. It was a pleasure to work for Aii, knowing the impact its material provides in improving our policies nationwide.”


– Jill Leist, former Communications Director

“My experience at Aii has allowed me to hone my writing skills, improve my communicative abilities, and expand my breadth of knowledge on policy topics ranging from electric vehicles to scalable solar projects. Aii offers the ideal internship for a college student like me, and has provided me with invaluable skills I will rely on throughout my career.”


Blair Hassett, Public Policy Intern