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The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure
Identifying Challenges
Promoting Best Practices
Proposing Solutions
Providing Education
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Providing education to the public and private sectors in order to achieve higher standards in safety, technology, and performance

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Infrastructure Innovation Through Awareness and Education

Our mission is to help foster innovative solutions to current and future infrastructure challenges.

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Damage Prevention

Over 35 million miles of pipelines and other facilities run underneath homes and businesses, providing essential services to run all aspects of life from electricity, cable TV, gas, water, and more. But they are at constant risk. Fortunately, there are innovative technological and communications systems to promote facility safety and reduce damage to underground utilities. Learn more:

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Make an Impact

With your help and generous support, we can continue to identify our nation’s infrastructure needs, research the challenges, and advance innovative solutions to fix these challenges. As an entirely donor-funded organization, we rely on your generosity!

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See Our Impact

At Aii, we discuss every aspect of innovation and infrastructure. Watch the video below to learn more about what we do, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel!


Click below to learn more about the issues we care about! On each page you will learn about the problem, the challenges, and our proposed solution. You will also discover relevant policy blogs, policy briefs, white papers, and other educational content!


Take some time to read through policy areas that interest you. We strive to provide the content you need to better understand our world and help improve the nations infrastructure, economy, security, and safety.

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Don't Miss This White Paper

Hydrogen is a unique energy and chemical resource with broad applicability. It is not surprising that interest in hydrogen has accelerated in recent years in both private industry and public policy. There is great potential for hydrogen to serve as a clean resource to decarbonize elements of the economy, but there are challenges relating to how to produce, transport, store, and utilize hydrogen. At each stage, a detailed analysis reveals great infrastructure dependency. Much of the infrastructure needed for wide-scale hydrogen adoption simply is not yet in place.

To overcome infrastructure obstacles and promote faster hydrogen production, existing infrastructure can be utilized. However, a reframing of both that infrastructure and hydrogen production may be called for.

Who is Aii

The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure (Aii) is an independent, national research and educational organization. An innovative think tank, Aii explores the intersection of economics, law, and public policy in the areas of climate, damage prevention, eminent domain, energy, infrastructure, innovation, technology, and transportation.


Our mission is to foster innovative solutions to current and future infrastructure challenges.

We advance innovation across industry and public policy to improve the safety, efficiency, and resilience of our nation’s infrastructure.


Make a Difference

With your generous support, we identify our nation’s infrastructure needs, research the challenges, and advance innovative solutions to resolve the nation’s critical issues. As an entirely donor-funded organization, we rely on your generosity! Our work improves the safety, efficiency, and resilience of the very infrastructure every community depends on.